The Challenge

Naughty Lash- a local Prosper, TX certified lash extension artist; was needing help with an array of digital platforms. Her work was flawless and her vision was unique, but she lacked the skill set to execute her big dreams into the digital realm. The business provides a luxury service, which they needed help reaching those clients. Managing social platforms to ensure the full benefits of SEO and KPI was being utilized. As well as implanting incentives and innovate ways to draw every potential client into her pristine studio.

What We Did

The Social Page was motivated after our initial client call - with an array of skill sets readily available; we jumped into the planning process. Website design, service list, mood boards, branding shoots - everything you can think of when joining The Social Family. This was quick; it had to be. Limited funds, an active business in need of marketing services; this is someones livelihood. Launching marketing campaigns, running client specials, loyalty programs, and so much more.

What We Achieved

In a luxury industry it is tough to convert that one-time client into a forever client, but when we joined forces - we did just that.. The Social Page doesn't know the word "tough" or "can't" - we just know the word "can"!  Within weeks we were seeing results from our strong marketing campaigns- more client bookings, even more returning clients booking, we have her business sitting pretty and plan to keep it there. We love working with wonderful client that present flawless work like Rylee.

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