The Challenge

Express Dumps had built their business on networking and word-of-mouth; but lacked their social profile in the digital world. They were failing to utilize apps that were there to help build their business. With still having full-time jobs; they needed The Social Page to take their business to the next level with digital marketing. Implementing new marketing tactics, generating a new SEO and driving traffic to their name, and rebranding.

What We Did

The Social Page started immediately; timing is everything. You have to know where, when, and how to capture these clients, to scale that business, and to utilize your strengths. We created a mood board that fit THEM, as every vision is different. We helped brand them as the family oriented business they are. A business that is focused on building the Dallas community and integrating their business in the heavy online community that surrounds DFW. The Social Page revamped their website, SEO, and all other Social Platforms. We found new avenues to generate leads and open a substantial amount of clients that were being missed. We are soon hoping to get this scaled all the way to Oklahoma.

What We Achieved

Once our marketing campaign launched, it was go time. The Social Page was able to utilize many social platforms on behalf of Express Dumps to engage with potential clients, convert lingering clients, and create forever loyal clients. Engaging with your community is an essential part to building a business. We were able to secure them spots with local contractors, real estate agents, and residential neighborhoods who will utilize their services often. Express Dumps is soon hoping scale their business all the way to Oklahoma with the help of The Social Page.

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