The Challenge

FLOW needed a major revamp after closing down due to COVID. When the founder of FLOW decided to open the business back-up they knew they needed help in the digital aspect, as they neglected that last time and ultimately had to shut their doors. I knew The Social Page was the perfect fit to ensure this clinic's success. FLOW founder, Mareen, was concerned with their companies limited budget and lack of knowledge in any digital space. Mareen convey how afraid she was pouring the rest of her savings into this business to give it one more chance; this time not neglecting the huge part digital marketing plays.

What We Did

After our initial client consultation, The Social Page knew this entrepreneur and their vision had a great foundation. It was now our job to bring this to reality. From rebranding and designing all digital spaces, to interior design of the building and branding shoots, to the grand re-opening.. the success was outstanding, budget friendly, and quick. The Social Page built multiple social platforms and managed them, set up drip campaigns, loyalty structures, and innovative business marketing to keep the clients engaged and coming back for more.   

What We Achieved

FLOW was a huge hit with the community. With the right foundation of marketing and branding, success flows... see what I did there? The Social Page was able to capture a whole new audience in the digital forum that FLOW had missed out of previously. Loyalty reward structures, new services, and the contagious innovative business tools turned them into loyal customers.

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